broken bone treatments
in kansas city

We have considerable experience in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of fractures not requiring surgery. This includes appropriate splinting and casting. If you have had an injury and are unsure whether or not you have a broken bone, we are available to complete your initial evaluation and determine whether or not this is the case.

broken bone treatments
in kansas city

Once the type and pattern of the break are diagnosed, Motus can determine whether you require splinting, bracing, casting, or surgery. Should you require surgery, Motus will promptly refer you to one of the many terrific local orthopedic surgeons, or to the surgeon of your choice. Motus is here to ensure that your broken bones in Kansas City are diagnosed and treated correctly the first time around.

broken bone symptoms
in kansas city

Signs and symptoms of a broken bone can be pain, bruising, and swelling at the site of the injury, loss of movement, or inability to bear weight. The best first test to identify a broken bone is an x-ray. Certain types of fractures require additional testing such as a CT scan or MRI.