Conquer Your Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Treatments

Shoulder stem cell treatments in Kansas City

Does the thought of traditional shoulder replacement surgery have you dragging your feet? Motus can help. Traditional orthopedic options are often costly procedures with lengthy recovery times.

We understand your pain. Motus provides innovative, non-surgical shoulder stem cell treatments in Kansas City to help promote your body’s ability to naturally heal itself. These treatments may prolong, or even eliminate, the need for orthopedic surgery.

How much does it cost
First visits covered by insurance*
Procedure time
1-2 Hours
Recovery Time & Side Effects
Minimal Downtime

A More Natural Option

At Motus Biologics, you have more natural options than traditional orthopedic surgery. We provide non-operative shoulder stem cell treatments using stem cells, PRP, and Tenex in Kansas City.

What it Treats

Our regenerative treatments can help you manage or fully eliminate your shoulder pain. If you are experiencing any of these conditions or symptoms, you may be a candidate to receive Motus Biologics’ cutting-edge treatments.

  • Partially and minimally retracted rotator cuff tears
  • Labral tears
  • Arthritis
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
  • Osteonecrosis (AVN)
  • Various cartilage conditions

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How It Works

Motus Biologics uses a variety of strategies to encourage long-term relief of your shoulder pain without invasive surgery.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary yet conservative approach to treating many orthopedic conditions using a concentration of your own blood platelets.

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Stem Cells are cells that can help facilitate the healing of injuries to the bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon, ligament, and bone. Motus has extensive training from physicians in the United States with long standing expertise in this field.

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Tenex is a minimally invasive, same-day procedure guided by ultrasound technology to target specific problem areas and can be combined with other treatments as necessary.

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Ron Cline

Highly recommend Motus. The team there is just that – a great team – that works together to develop the best course of action in different situations. Dr Michaud is up front, honest, and clear about the pros and cons of stem cell therapy and allows her patients to make decisions without pressure on future therapies. My pain went from an 8 to a 1 and my activities have gone back to almost normal. I’m happy to have done this and highly recommend it to anyone who has the patience to give stem cell therapy a try!

Sheilah Philip

Dr. Michaud is great. She is a doctor who is keen on educating her patients, so they have all the information they need. She and her staff are positive, responsive and helpful. I recommend the office and the procedure completely!

Matthew Secrest

I am so grateful to have found Motus and Dr. Michaud. I had an honest open conversation about the status of my torn labrum and what my options were. She did not dismiss my questions as absurd. She is in the forefront on Stem Cells as a viable treatment. I would recommend anyone thinking of getting surgery that first reach out to Motus first.

Patricia Brown-Dixon

I had a stem cell procedure from Dr. Michaud in January of this year on a knee and elbow. After the initial 2 days of soreness (as compared to weeks of pain on a past knee replacement from another surgeon), i began to feel pain relief. Dr. Michaud is so down to earth and pleasant. She plainly and honestly described the entire procedure, and prescribed a great knee brace for me to wear prior to the procedure, which went just as she had explained. I have had a much better quality of life, allowing me to travel, dance, and play golf, vs spend weeks of painful recovery from knee surgery. I would highly recommend Dr. Michaud.

Knee stem cell treatments in Kansas City
What is PRP and how does it work?
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Platelet-rich plasma is a concentration of your platelets obtained by spinning your whole blood in a special centrifuge. Platelets are what naturally begin the healing process in your body anytime an injury occurs. The platelets release proteins that attract your body’s stem cells to the injured area. The concentration of platelets in PRP allows your body to recognize the injury as a priority and heals it more quickly and more thoroughly than your body can by itself.
What is BMAC and how does it work?
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Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) is a procedure in which the doctor removes your own body’s bone marrow stem cells, concentrates them in an FDA approved device and injects them into the area(s) of injury with ultrasound guidance to ensure exact placement. The concentration of stem cells works directly at the site of injury or degenerative tissue to increase the healing potential tenfold.
What is AD-MSC/fat graft and how does it work?
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Using a special cannula, adipose tissue (fat) is removed from an area of your body where it is stored easily. Fat has a very high concentration of stem cells that live on the stromal tissue. Also fat cells are often needed as a matrix and become the scaffolding for the platelets or bone marrow stem cells to adhere to and activate your healing cascade.
How is the PRP/BMAC delivered to the injured area?
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The doctor uses ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance and aseptic techniques to inject the PRP or BMAC into the injured tendon, ligament, muscle, joint, bone, or nerve.
How do you choose –PRP or BMAC?
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It is an individualized decision, made by the doctor based on the severity of the injury/and or disease involved and your medical history. Some diagnosis require PRP alone, some BMAC alone, and others adipose (fat) with the PRP/BMAC. The physicians use our clinic's experience as well as experience of other practitioners who perform regenerative medicine around the world.
How is regenerative medicine different from surgery?
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At Motus, we offer nonoperative knee arthritis stem cell treatments in Kansas City to ideal candidates as an alternative to treat pain and prevent further wearing down of the joint. This can eliminate, or even prolong, the need for knee replacement in many individuals. We do this by using products from your body known as stem cells and platelet rich plasma to promote the joint’s ability to naturally heal itself. Stem cells are structures that can change (differentiate) into any type of cell in the body. These cells exist throughout the body but cannot get to the area of injury or degeneration with orthopedic conditions because of poor blood flow. At Motus, we harvest stem cells from the patient and concentrate them using a centrifuge (similar to PRP). We then use an ultrasound to guide the stem cells to the exact area in need of treatment. This is often used in combination with PRP. This is a quick in-office procedure that is cost efficient with minimal downtime when compared to traditional surgical approaches.
May I continue to take anti-inflammatory medications?
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We recommend you not take anti-inflammatory medication starting 5 days prior and 4-6 weeks after your treatment. We recommend Tylenol for pain relief.
Will the injections be painful?
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There will be a varying degree discomfort/pain associated with the initial injection of local anesthetic as one would expect. Many patients find the local numbing agent helps the discomfort for the first 30 min to 1 hour after the procedure. The area injected will be very painful for the first 24 to 72 hours and your physician will prescribe pain medication that you should begin soon after the procedure for comfort. If you are concerned about discomfort the pain medication can be prescribed before the procedure or we can prescribe an oral medication to decrease anxiety. If you are interested in having any pre-treatment medication be certain to request these at least one week before your scheduled procedure so to give adequate time to be filled at your pharmacy.
What is recovery period/downtime?
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Most patients will experience 1-3 days of discomfort that is easily managed with Tylenol or a prescription pain medication that the physician will prescribe at the time of your procedure. Usually 2-3 days after treatment, you are able to resume normal daily activities with less pain. You many resume exercise 2 weeks after treatment cutting your time or distance in half. If your activity is painful, stop. Let pain be your guide.
Are there any adverse effects?
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The main adverse side effect is post treatment discomfort. Some patients experience a low grade fever, swelling of the injected area, body aches, and fatigue for the first 72 hours (inflammatory phase. Specific risks and success rates will be discussed with each patient individually at time of initial appointment and at time of treatment – don’t hesitate to call if any questions or concerns.
How many treatments will it take to heal my injury and how far apart are the treatments?
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The average patient requires one to two treatments. Rarely a patient will require three. Treatments are spaced usually 8-12 weeks apart.
How will I know if I need more treatments?
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We strive for 80-90% improvement in pain and function but the exact goal will be discussed at your initial appointment and can vary based on the severity of your disease.
How long is the healing process?
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Abnormal or damaged collagen takes 9-12 months to completely heal but you should experience improved pain and increased mobility within 4-6 weeks.
Will I be able to go to work/school after treatment?
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Most people are able to return to work and/or school the next day. Occasionally we have patients that require taking a day or 2 off. Everyone responds differently to the acute inflammatory phase. We will provide a note if necessary.
Will my insurance cover the treatment?
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Many insurance companies no longer cover these procedures and consider them investigational. We offer Care Credit payment plans for patients.